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Semantic SEO Score Generator

Topically relevant content score

What is Semantic SEO?

Semantic SEO involves making web content more meaningful and topical. You're aiming to create in-depth content, a one-stop solution so that the reader doesn't have to go to another website for more answers. With Semantic SEO content, Google crawlers can understand your content better. As a result, search engines promote it more often in the SERPs since they perceive it as high-quality.

LongShot’s Semantic SEO feature

When you research any topic and calculate its Semantic SEO score, LongShot’s AI suggests a Semantic score for your content, in addition to that of your competitors,

This Semantic score is based on your content quality for the ‘People Also Asked’ questions. These questions help you discover and answer related keywords to the topic. It also enables you to create helpful content for the user. Your score tells how well your existing content answers these questions. The higher the score, the better the chances of your content doing well. You can find the Semantic SEO feature on the right side of the editor. You can expand the score to learn how you can further improve your score. Check the video below to learn how to calculate and improve your Semantic SEO score.

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