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LongShot Chat

Create humanlike conversational dialogue backed by verified facts from reliable sources.

LongShot Chat is the ultimate tool for creating humanlike conversational dialogue that's engaging and backed by verified facts from reliable sources.


With a factual Chat, you can now have meaningful conversations while ensuring accuracy and credibility.


You can enable memory to keep the conversation going based on the AI output from earlier responses (up to 10), or you can disable it and start a conversation on different aspects of the topic.


You also have 5 modes to choose from, including

  • SERP (which generates results based on the top results on Google),
  • Uploaded file (which generates results based on your own content), and
  • URL (which generates results based on the URL(s) that you share)
  • Domain (which generates results based on the domain you share)
  • Normal Mode (which generates results based on the LongShot’s pre-trained data)

Check the video below for reference.

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