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What is LongShot’s Fact-Check & Cite Freature?

Learn how LongShot’s Fact Checker can help your use case

Want to ensure the content you generate is factually accurate? Well, it’s a matter of life and death in a lot of professions, and that’s why more than 50,000 people prefer one of LongShot’s most unique features in the market. LongShot’s Fact Checker does the job for you. It ensure the AI content you generate is factually accurate, so that your authority doesn’t hurt.


Simply input a text or import a document and ask the AI to detect all the claims and verify for their factually accuracy. Upon generation of the result, AI will let you know if the result is accurate or false. In addition, you also get links from credible sources to verify the result.


Bonus Update: Now you can also replace the false statements in your content with the correct ones in just one-click under Fact Check feature.

So, why wait? Check out the use case below to learn more.

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