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How can I improve content readability score inside the editor?

Ways to improve your content readability score.

Improving readability scores involves making your writing clearer, simpler, and easier to understand.

As you know, LongShot offers a few ways to help you boost your content's readability score.

  • Improve your Readability Score: This dedicated standalone feature helps improve your content readability score. Earlier known as ELI5 or Explain Like I'm 5, this feature takes the selected text and makes it easy to read, like you're explaining something to a 5-year-old. Please note this is an older feature version, but the placement and functionality will remain the same.
  • Rephrase Content: Another feature that can help is the Rephrase Content feature. It enables you to find alternate ways to convey your message. You can use it on text that's too long or difficult to read. Check the video below to learn how to use the same. Please note this is an older feature version, but the placement and functionality will remain the same.
  • Follow a consistent tone and style. You can use LongShot AI’s Brand Voice feature to ensure that the content is always written in your own tone, format and style.
  • Other ways to improve your content readability score manually include:
    • Shortening your sentences to around 12 words. Longer words = Harder to read.
    • Format your content by breaking long paragraphs into shorter ones. In addition, use Subheadings and Bullet Points to break up the text and make it easier to scan.
    • Unless writing for a specialized audience, avoid industry jargon and acronyms.
    • Use the active voice instead of the passive voice.
    • Writing as you speak.

Remember, the goal is to communicate effectively with your reader, so always keep their needs and knowledge level in mind when writing.

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